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6 Amazing Benefits of Temporary Staffing You Need To Know

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Temporary staffing solutions are designed to benefit your business by saving you valuable resources such as time and money. 

Regardless of how carefully you schedule your full time employees, you are bound to run into staff shortages somewhere along the line. It could also be from an influx of business and customer demands. Moreover, Seasonal business for organizations usually causes a sudden boost in inquiries and sales, but it would not warrant employing someone full-time whom you would need to pay throughout the year. 

These are just some of the circumstances where temporary staffing is a necessity. Here are the top six advantages of hiring temporary workers.  

Scheduling Flexibility 

Leveraging a temp staffing agency’s services gives you the flexibility of hiring additional workers only when you have work for them. Once the workload has been completed, you can send them back to the agency. 

Temporary staffing also helps keep morale in the office high as you can schedule your full-time employees’ shifts better for their work-life balance. 

Additional Expertise

Sometimes your business may require special skills or expertise to get a project done. These projects may only come up about once or twice a year, and therefore hiring someone full-time cannot be justified. Using a temp agency to provide you with the right person to ensure the project gets done right can save you money. 

Additionally, it can be a great way to test out new technologies you are looking to expand into without having to invest into hiring full-time employees.

Reduced Training Time Savings

Training new employees can be extremely time-consuming and costly. When you’re looking for someone to cover a shift when needed, it doesn’t make sense to spend money on training.

A temp staffing agency saves your time by hiring quality temporary workers through their expertise. The agency will ensure that the workers are well-trained and can contribute to the company from the word ‘go’.

Your in-house team can utilize the saved time to conduct other important events.

Cost Savings

A temp staffing agency can save several operational costs along the way. This includes payroll expenses, vacation days, LTAs, health insurance, or retirement security to temporary employees. Moreover, you don’t have to pay the workers higher overtime as the projects are usually finalized on hourly basis or deadline basis.

Your training expenses will reduce too. The temporary workers will come with the required skill-set and experience under their belt. However, your temp staffing agency will take care of any additional training after the worker’s onboarding, if required.

Overcome Hiring Risks

It is possible to convert temporary employees to full-time basis. If you think a particular temporary employee’s contribution to the company has been exceptional, you can consider hiring them permanently. You will get a precise idea of how skilled the temporary worker is, how much do they adhere to the deadlines, and how quickly they grasp the nitty-gritty of your business. All these observations will enable you to decide if it would make sense to hire them or not.

Moreover, when you hire a permanent employee directly, there are certain risks involved. You have hired them on the basis of their interview skills and what they have mentioned in their resume. However, it’s uncertain how they are going to perform in your Organization.

A temporary staffing agency takes the accountability of supplying qualified professionals on time. If anything goes wrong in the first few months of the employee’s tenure, the agency will be answerable for that.

This is also applicable to a fresh & relevant job opening whose requirements match your temporary employees’ skills. It always makes sense to hire someone you’ve worked with instead of hiring an entirely new individual based on their resume. You can develop the most effective team when you employ temporary staffing to hire full-time employees.

Impart New Skills

In many cases, temporary workers bring in new skill-sets and perspectives to the organization. They can provide a breath of fresh air in a project that is out of ideas. The value & skill addition by temporary staff after they depart benefits the organization in the long run. Moreover, having workers with diverse skill-sets is always going to benefit your organization.

Final Word

The paradigm of the work-trend is shifting. Companies are beginning to understand the importance of temporary workers and are increasingly outsourcing most of their important tasks. A temp staffing agency can provide you experienced and skilled temporary workers. It will save your time, costs, and efforts.


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    6 Amazing Benefits of Temporary Staffing You Need To Know

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    It's time to find that ideal candidate, the "purple squirrel," as they say in the recruiting industry, but you're confused about where to start. You've been told you might find…
    hiring remote employees

    A Comprehensive 09 Step Guide To Hiring Remote Employees

    By | Latest Trends

    Do you have a job opening in your company but can’t find any suitable local candidates? In the internet era and with so many resources available around, why limit yourself to hiring locally?

    Hiring remote employees can help you tap into the global talent and fill the vacant positions faster. However, hiring remote employees is easier said than done. We have listed a 09-step process to help you redesign your hiring process to source and start hiring remote employees.

    Step 1: Prepare A Job Description

    Preparing a comprehensive job-description enlisting the roles and responsibilities is the first step in hiring remote employees. Many hiring managers make the mistake of using generic job descriptions. 

    You must understand the role you are hiring for, involve your team, spend time, and create a job description that clearly explains the organization’s requirements. 

    Step 2: Specify The Candidate Persona

    Once you’ve explicitly outlined the job-opening you are hiring for, the next step is defining the candidate persona. The candidate persona is the depiction of your perfect candidate. Take cues from the job description you created to draft your candidate persona. 

    To create an effective candidate persona, think about an ideal employee that will do justice to the organization’s expectations. An ideal employee has traits beyond work experience & education. Focus on interests, specific skills, and motivation levels while defining the candidate persona.

    Step 3: The Employee Value Proposition

    Clearly defining the employee value proposition goes a long way in hiring remote employees. It is the incentives and facilities offered by your organization to the employees in return for their work. 

    Moreover, you can also highlight specific perks like coverage for equipment or reimbursement for the employees’ home-office set up to make the proposition more appealing.

    Step 4: Explain Your Organization’s Working 

    As important as this step is in hiring remote employees, it is also one of the most sidelined steps by the hiring managers. Ensure that you have a solid remote working plan before starting the hiring process. It’s important that you precisely define your organization’s rules & requirements for collaborating remotely.

    For instance, you need to mention the time frame (if any) that the remote workers are expected to work in, irrespective of their time zone. Other requirements may include specifying the time the remote employees need to be available in Slack or Skype. Also, define your reporting structure. One of the most frequent complaints involving remote employees is lack of a proper reporting structure and confusion relating to who to report to and what regular reporting looks like.

    The borderline: Having a set of rules for remote working will give the candidates an impression that your organization takes remote work seriously.

    Step 5: Prepare A Job Advertisement

    After doing all the groundwork, it’s time to draft the job ad. This where your marketing mind will come into play. Think of ways of luring candidates through your job ad. Sell your organization’s USPs and why working in it will be feasible for them. 

    You already have enough substance to draft an appealing job ad if you have followed the previous four steps. Keep the candidate’s expectations in mind so that they get a reason to apply.

    Step 6: Test The Candidates

    It is always advisable to test the candidates for their job suitability by including a few questions in the application form. You can also assign a short assignment that the candidate is required to submit along with their resume & cover letter. 

    Some candidates may abort the application process, but the ones that will submit the assignment will be the targeted ones. Ensure that the questions in the assignment match closely to the job opening.

    Step 7: Interviews

    We would suggest interviewing the candidate through video calls. Seeing the candidate explain their skills gives you a precise idea about their confidence levels and communication skills. Moreover, you can also throw a few challenging or tricky questions at them and notice how they respond to those questions in real-time. 

    You can leverage many live meeting software like Microsoft Teams, Google Meet, and Zoom Calls to get this done. 

    Follow the below steps:

    • Prepare a list of all the important questions. 
    • Send meeting invites through any Online meeting software.
    • Ask the same questions to all the candidates
    • Shortlist candidates based on their responses.

    Step 8: Verify References

    Verifying the references is another crucial step while hiring remote employees. It is important to know the candidate’s background and if they haven’t faked anything in their resume. Hiring managers usually ignore this step, exposing the organization to possible negative outcomes in the future. 

    Contact the references provided by the candidates in the application form. Talk to them and pay attention to any signs of red flags. You can also outsource this work to a Recruitment Agency as they are experts in background verification.

    Step 9: Closure

    While hiring remote employees, it’s important to communicate throughout the process – even after you’ve closed the position. It’s your responsibility to inform other candidates that they didn’t make it because of so and so reasons. Your reasons can help them become better, and your brand’s reputation will also increase.

    Final Word

    Hiring remote employees isn’t easy. It takes proper planning, ground, and solid strategy to pull off a successful remote hiring process. Take cues from this article to ace your next remote hiring project. 

    If these tips seem overwhelming and you need to get the job done more effectively, you can also consider outsourcing it to a Recruitment Agency.

    Happy Hiring!


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      6 Amazing Benefits of Temporary Staffing You Need To Know

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      It's time to find that ideal candidate, the "purple squirrel," as they say in the recruiting industry, but you're confused about where to start. You've been told you might find…

      Managing Remote Employees 101: 5 Effective Tips

      By | Latest Trends

      A Global Workplace Analytics survey revealed that at least 50% of the global workforce work remotely. Further, 80-90% of the surveyed employees said they would prefer to work remotely for a few days in the week.

      Considering the increased competition for finding suitable employees, several companies are now aiming for remote workforce management for better productivity. Without the limitations of recruiting only from the local talent pool, companies can leverage foreign talent and significantly lessen the operational costs at the same time. 

      Will it hinder productivity? What problems will arise while managing remote employees? These are a few questions that concern the Employers and Team Leads. This blog discusses five proven ways to ensure effective remote workforce management.

      Fact: According to MerchantSavvy, 85% of over 15,000 global businesses affirmed that increased location flexibility leads to a rise in productivity. 

      Be intentional

      You interact with your local team every day. You either meet them in the halls, have lunch with them, or hang out together at the office. Your local team is always around you and can easily contact you if needed. On the other hand, imagine you set up a remote team thousands of miles away from you. Your remote employees cannot stop by at your desk or meet you every day. And that’s where being intentional can be very effective.

      Being intentional: What does it mean?

      Simply put, it means making your remote team feel like they belong to the Company. Even if it takes extra effort, ensure that your remote team doesn’t feel that they’re unlike the local team. 

      Fact: According to LinkedIn, 59% of the workers said they would feel like they belong to the Organization if their accomplishments are recognized.

      When an employee (local or remote) is appreciated for their work, their productivity and morale increases. Little efforts like replying to them as quickly as possible, creating virtual spaces for interacting, or always remembering and celebrating birthdays & work anniversaries may seem unimportant but can be very gratifying. 

      Make each team meeting an intentional opportunity to interact with your remote team and discover new ways to contribute to healthy collaboration.

      Create a communication strategy

      Improper Communication owing to geographical distance is a thing of the past now. Thanks to the rapid technological developments in the communications sector, connecting with someone across the World is just a matter of seconds. 

      However, studies have revealed that 60-90% of communication can be nonverbal. Therefore, it’s easier to get on the wrong page when operating with remote teams. They aren’t physically present and may misunderstand your voice’s tone. This makes it imperative to build a robust communication strategy. Here are some tips that you can implement:

      • Try to interact with your remote team at least once a day, even for just a few minutes. 
      • Use multiple platforms to communicate. Instant messaging platforms like Slack work well for quick texts and updates. On the other hand, video-conferencing platforms like Skype can be used for presentations, brainstorming sessions, and review meetings. Pick your channels wisely.
      • Plan weekly or bi-monthly calls with your team. Use this time to discuss the workflows, blockers, and project highlights. Such frequent & planned discussions would translate to better managing remote workers. 

      Use cloud-based project Management Tools

      Project Management Tools help in managing remote employees in an effective way. They help the employees to find important documents with ease, download files, and stay updated with important events and meetings. 

      Some popular project management tools include Wrike, Trello, Basecamp, Zoho Projects, and Clarizen.

      A cloud-based project management system lets you plan, collaborate, and control the various stages of a particular project using a chain of tools. This is really useful as you can’t physically monitor the tasks of your remote team. Various features of an effective project management system include a customizable dashboard, task management Kanban boards, fully-integrated file storage, and a few other task-tracking tools. 

      Another significant advantage of using a project remote workforce management system is that you no longer have to stress about organizing work. You don’t need leather-bound planners or sticky notes. 

      All important data will be automatically backed up on the cloud servers for easy access. Every week, during the weekly review meeting, you just have to review the progress made by your remote team, and you’re good to go. 

      Practice transparency

      There can be times where you miss to update your remote team about any significant development. Sitting in another country, they may not always know what’s happening at the head office and vice versa. 

      However, employees usually look at their leaders & managers as an example of how to function in a work setting. If you are transparent to your employees, there is no reason why they won’t reciprocate the same.

      By ensuring transparency at every stage and executing it as part of your team culture, you win your remote employees’ trust and ensure that they aren’t reluctant to approach you with any questions or issues. 

      This practice is also effective in retaining & managing remote workers in the years to come.

      For example, if you have an update about the newly-joined team member, ensure that every team member knows and participates in welcoming the new joiner. This applies to both the local and remote teams. This way, your remote team won’t feel left out about the recent happenings or that you’re deliberately keeping information from them.

      Visit your remote team

      Managing remote employees won’t be possible if you do not involve them in the team activities & make other necessary efforts. Managing remote workers requires visiting them in person – even once a year can develop real cohesion with the employees. 

      During your visit, you can get into one-on-one meetings with the employees to review their goals and analyze their performance. 

      You can even plan a work vacation for your local and remote teams. This trip can be used as an opportunity for the teams to understand each other personally. Team-building exercises, socials, brainstorming, board-games – see what works best for your teams and stick to it!!

      Final Words

      Ensuring proper communication and motivating your employees (local or remote) is important for increased productivity and the right work environment. We hope that the five tips regarding managing remote employees best practices will help you to manage your remote employees effectively.

      effective recruitment strategies and practices

      Effective Recruitment Strategies and practices

      By | Latest Trends

      From communicating your company’s goals via job ads to onboarding the candidate in your company, a recruiting strategy plays an important role. An effective recruitment strategy is a game-changer – it can either establish your employer as a brand or break it. It depends on how you execute it. 

      Allocating considerable time and energy in brainstorming and putting together a good recruitment plan in place would eventually save plenty of capital and hassle later during decisive times. 

      Owing to the same, we list out four effective recruitment strategies and practices to help you draft your ideal hiring plan.

      Employee Referral Program

      Having an effective employee referral program helps you unlock many rewards. This makes your employees efficient talent sourcing touchpoints. This leads to less time taken to hire, a better quality of talent, easier onboarding, and cost savings. 

      Companies usually pay a referral bonus to employees whose referrals get onboard. Even with that, they end up saving on the cost of a tiresome talent hunt with internal recruiters or commissions to hiring agencies.

      The core idea behind employee referrals is that we are the average of the five people we communicate with. This means skilled employees would have at least two highly proficient professionals in their inner circle. Referrals, thus as work as a pre-process background check. 

      This strategy helps hire organization-fit people since the referring employee would have already thought about that.

      Choose insights over data

      We live in an era of data abundance. However, that does not mean we always have access to the right information to make informed decisions. Being able to infer insights from the data dump is important. This is achievable through intelligent analysis of relevant metrics. Most Application Tracking Systems (ATS) offer a wealth of insights. 

      The first step to executing well is to measure well. Metrics that have a great bearing on your hiring strategy include the hiring source, time and cost per hire, job-post to application ratio, retention rates, email response rates, application to offer time and ratios, and the quality of hire’s performance.

      Gaining insights and effectively understanding these metrics is a crucial aspect of getting the recruitment strategy on track. An insight-focused strategy helps you understand retrospective and real-time data to prepare better for the future. Simple elements like the percentage of candidates who complete the application enable the organization to understand the process’s aspects to improve.

      Social Media Strategies

      When you think about talent acquisition best practices, you can’t take Social Media out of the equation. Social media has seen a colossal change over the past decade, and the Human Resource department is not untouched by its influence. Social Media Channels can be a massive masterstroke in hiring and recruiting, particularly passive candidates. 

      As per stats, 55% of applicants find social networking more helpful in their job hunt process. Posting jobs on social platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn can increase your brand awareness and attract talent relevant to your terms.

      A Few Examples:

      Goldman Sachs is leveraging a new platform to help hire young talent. The firm recently started an advertising campaign on Spotify, the music streaming app, to grasp millennials’ attention.

      It will operate in both the US and the UK and link back to the company’s careers quiz, which helps job aspirants understand which categories are best suited to them.

      Here’s the content of the ad:

      What advice would you give a tech firm breaking into a new market? How would you help grow a university’s endowment? Discover this and more at Goldman Sachs because a career here could take you anywhere.

      McDonald’s leverages video ads and “snaplications” to engage young prospective employees in its recruiting efforts in the US. 

      The company runs 10-second video ads on Snapchat showcasing McDonald’s employees talking about their experience in the company. Anyone looking for a job can swipe up and will be taken to McDonald’s career webpage in the app. 

      Once there, an in-built Snapchat lens allows the candidate to put on a virtual McDonald’s uniform and send a 10-second video explaining why they’d be a great employee. It’s a pretty enjoyable and simple idea to apply for a job, and McDonald’s has found several tech-savvy candidates from this idea alone.

      Online Hackathons

      According to reports, digital channels are tremendous contributors to finding suitable jobs today. Many technology companies conduct coding competitions and hackathons to recognize good talent and conclude their headhunting in the swiftest way possible. 

      This is a win-win situation for job aspirants as this gives them a platform to show their abilities and get handpicked by organizations for employment. Also, it serves as a great testing tool for the company which can measure each participant against a wide range of other participants.

      Wrapping Up

      Hiring Trends are changing rapidly. Strategies that worked a couple of years ago might not be effective as much today. That is why you should keep tweaking your Recruitment Strategies from time to time to ensure you’re following the best hiring practices at all times. 

      For example, Social Media Platforms have been on the rise for the last decade. We showed you how Goldman Sachs and MacDonald’s are leveraging Spotify and Snapchat to level up their hiring game. Similarly, you can consider the points discussed in this article and draft an actionable and achievable hiring strategy that suits your requirements.

      Global Recruitment and Staffing Market Research Report

      Global Recruitment and Staffing Market Research Report: Analysis (2016-2021)

      By | Latest Trends
      Global Recruitment and Staffing

      The analysis aims to gift the research of Recruitment and Staffing market around the idea of such a variety. Recruiting and Staffing Industry has been anticipated to rise at a CAGR of 8.50%through the duration of 2016 2021. The temporary staffing keeps that the major proportion share within the staffing and recruiting industry, and is estimated to rise in a quicker growth within the future because of the expanding preference for versatile operating setting.conjointly considers as the push for driving labour market transferal plenty of individuals to figure.

      The other options that exude specialized unit of period services mostly of them square measure technology compelled, likely to cultivate at high speed. (By Staffing Type, By Service Type, By Region, By Region): Trends, Opportunities and Forecasts (2016-2021) – From Staffing Type (Temporary, Permanent and Other HR Alternatives); From Service Form (General and Professional); From Region (United States, Europe, APAC and ROW) and By Region (U.S., Canada, U.K., Germany, France, China, Japan, India, Brazil and South Africa). Executive Summary A comprehensive study report created through extensive primary research (inputs from industry experts, companies, stakeholders) and secondary study, the research analysis Intends to present the analysis of Global Recruitment and Staffing market about the basis of Enforcement Sort (Temporary, Permanent and Additional HR Alternatives); From Service Form; From Position (North America, Europe, APAC and also ROW) and From Country (U.S., Canada, U.K., Germany, France, China, Japan, India, Brazil and South Africa). Global Recruiting and Communications Industry is anticipated to grow at a CAGR of 8.50 percent during 20-16 2021. The strong increase in Recruitment and Staffing market is pushed by recovery of U.S. market and robust growth in Asia pacific area. The temporary staffing keeps the significant percentage share at the complete staffing and recruiting industry, also can be projected to rise in a faster growth from the upcoming due to the developing preference for flexible working atmosphere. The momentary staffing can be also regarded while the drive for forcing labour market bringing more visitors to work out.

      The additional HR solutions which include specialized HR companies mainly of them are tech pushed is expected to grow at higher rate. One of many places, APAC is predicted to progress in the maximum rate, mainly driven by the high GDP growth rate and increasing population. Request a Sample copy of Recruitment and also Staffing Market Report@ According to research report, Worldwide Recruitment and staffing Marketplace: Trends, Opportunities and Forecasts (2016-2021), International Recruiting marketplace is projected to demonstrate that a CAGR of 8.50 percent during 20-16 – 2021.

      International Recruitment and staffing Economy continues to be segmented on basis of Staffing Type (Temporary, Permanent and Other HR solutions); From Support Form (Normal and Skilled); By Position (the United States, Europe, APAC and ROW) and By Nation (U.S., Canada, U.K., Germany, France, China, Japan, India, Brazil and South Africa). Scope of this Report The report provides policy by Staffing Type, Service Type: By Staffing Sort – Temporary Staffing – Permanent Staffing – Additional HR Options From Service Form – Common Staffing – Skilled Staffing By Position – United States – Europe – APAC – ROW By Nation – US – Canada – U.K – Germany – France – China – Japan – India – Brazil – South Africa Customization of this Report The analysis can be customized based on the client’s special research needs. No additional cost will likely be asked to pay for limited more exploration. U.S., Canada, U.K., Germany, France, China, Japan, India, Brazil and South Africa.

      How to Find Candidates through Niche Social Networks

      Staffing Employee Hiring Rises in November

      By | Latest Trends
      Staffing Employee Hiring Rises in November

      Up 3.9% From a Year Ago, Maintaining Steady Pace of Growth

      Temporary help employment grew 0.6% from October to November, and was 3.9% higher than in November 2016, according to seasonally adjusted data released today by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. Year-to-year staffing job growth has averaged 4.1% per month over the past 11 months, significantly higher than the average of 1.4% for all of 2016, as reported by BLS earlier this year following a series of downward adjustments.

      Non seasonally adjusted BLS data, which estimate the actual number of jobs in the economy, indicated that temporary help employment increased 1.1% from October to November. Year-to-year, there were 4.0% more staffing employees in November than in the same month last year.

      “Business confidence is up and a majority of employers report they are planning on expanding their talent pools in the year ahead,” said Richard Wahlquist, president and chief executive officer of the American Staffing Association. “The advice to job seekers is don’t wait until January to begin connecting with recruiters. You will have less competition in December and a better chance to hit the ground running with a new job in the new year.”

      Total U.S. non farm payroll employment rose by 228,000 jobs in November (seasonally adjusted), BLS reported. Incorporating revisions for September and October, job gains averaged 170,000 per month over the past three months, slightly more than the average of 167,00 for the prior 12 months.

      The November unemployment rate was unchanged at 4.1%.

      BLS also released preliminary October employment data for search and placement services, which, seasonally adjusted, were unchanged from September. Search and placement jobs totaled 293,100 in October, 0.3% lower than in the same month last year.


      Virtual Recruiters VS Staffing Companies

      By | Latest Trends

      If you have your own company, and you are thinking to expand the workforce, the most obvious answer might seem is setting up your own HR team. But hiring a bunch of people, just so you can hire a bunch of skilled talent for your company is not always the right solution, especially when you are restricted in terms of both time and money.

      The better solution is to outsource hiring talent so that you can focus on what is more important like handling your business and training the new hires.

      For outsourcing the hiring process, there are many options available, and two of the best options are getting a virtual recruiter or a staffing agency. But of course, then there comes the age old question which has plagued many company leaders before – Virtual Recruiter or staffing agency: Which is a better choice? In this article, we will be delving in that very argument.

      Virtual Recruiter:

      Working from a remote location, virtual recruiters take hiring needs from both corporate recruiting teams and staffing agencies, and they find the most suitable talent for the vacant job. Most of the virtual recruiters are skilled in their respective fields which helps them shortlist candidates, and pre-interview them so that when the list finally reaches you, there are a bunch of eligible candidates waiting to take the job.

      Since the main responsibility of virtual recruiters is only to find the right candidate, they don’t manage the other sections of hiring and exiting, and that brings their costs down, without compromising on quality.

      Staffing agency:

      Staffing agencies have a number of recruiters working with them, both virtual and permanent, who help the agency find relevant talent. This way, staffing agencies always have a long list of disposal applicants who can instantly take up the job and start working.

      Unlike, virtual recruiters, staffing agencies are responsible for the entire HR process of the candidates, right from hiring to the leaving. Depending on the nature of staffing agencies, companies either pay them a fixed price every month or they pay them according to the number of employees the agencies help hiring.

      Staffing agency vs Virtual Recruiter

      Since staffing agencies take care of the entire hiring process, they are also more expensive as compared to virtual recruiters. And that is mainly because, when you pay staffing agencies, you are paying for their infrastructure and the recruiters working with them. Whereas, with virtual recruiters, you pay directly to them.

      Another major difference is how they operate – with staffing agencies, you will have a staffing manager coordinating everything with you. On the other hand, when you work with a virtual recruiter, you work directly with them.

      Virtual Recruiter is better to hire than a staffing agency:

      At the end of the day, if the goal of your organization is to hire better talent that is suitable for all the job positions, then the best option is virtual recruiters. After all, it wouldn’t make sense to pay more to the staffing agencies, to get the same job done. Not to mention, many of the virtual recruiters are ex-staffing agency employees, so they already know the ins and outs of the entire process.

      Working with virtual recruiters also gives you the opportunity and freedom to create your own HR process in your own way. When you think about it, the biggest and the most time consuming task for the HR department is to hire new employees, but when you outsource that very section to a third party, you end up saving your HR team’s time. That way, you will require less people on your HR team, but you will still manage to get just as much work done

      How to Find Candidates through Niche Social Networks

      How to Find Candidates through Niche Social Networks

      By | Latest Trends
      Find Candidates

      Promoting a job opening on social network platforms is cost-effective and the easiest way to reach out to prospective candidates. It is 2018, and people spend as much as 50 minutes every day checking social media. Social networks give recruiters the opportunity to get to know more about the prospective candidates in support of their academic qualifications and work experience.

      Here’s are five ways that can help you find candidates through niche social recruitment networks:

      1. Become members of job groups on Facebook
      There are multiple niche job groups on Facebook that are free to join. Employers or recruiters post jobs there, which only the group members can view. It downsizes your search as you are sending the job application invitation to the niche you want candidates from.

      The candidates contact you using your email address or Facebook Messenger, and you can take things forward from there.

      2. Promote your job culture
      Make your company’s account on all social media platforms. Ask your employees to review the work environment and how it is working at the company. Post creative images regularly and stay active.

      Just like you check out candidates on social media, they check you out as well, and you surely want to create a great first impression. Some might even drop a message asking for any vacancy.

      3. Post jobs on forums
      Use niche forums to attract your candidates. Typically, in a forum people discuss about latest technology, a current happening in the world, and also get their doubts solved. Take part in these forums and win the trust of your prospective candidates.

      And whenever there is a job opening, just post a requirement on them. Famous web developer forums include Stack Overflow and GitHub while famous marketing forums are Warrior Forum and Moz. You can also use Quora in the same way to explore your options.

      4. Encourage employees to share posts from their account
      Whenever you post a job opening on your company’s social media accounts, ask your employees to share them. You never know, a friend of one of your employees might be eligible for the job.

      Also, social media posts get a huge reach. So by posting a simple message and asking five employees to share it, you can reach as many as 2,500 people.

      5. Start the right conversation by using hashtags
      Hashtags are everything on social networks. It is the easiest way to find your niche without having to search much. So if you are uploading a job opening for a web developer, at the end of your message put hashtags like #developerjobs, #jobopening, #xyzcompany, and #webdeveloper.

      Candidates often search for jobs on social media and use keywords like this for it. Also, always sound casual because if you sound too formal, the candidate might not reply to your post thinking the work environment is too strict.

      As a company who belongs to the 21st century, you must make sure that you are active on all different social networks including Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Quora.


      Social Recruiting – Is It Really an Option Anymore

      By | Latest Trends
      Social Recruiting – Is It Really an Option Anymore

      Hiring the right talent for the right job role is a key success component for any business. That’s the reason why most organizations are extra involved and careful during the entire recruitment process. But for the last few years, the traditional recruitment has undergone a drastic change with the introduction of social recruiting.

      Social recruitment is nothing but utilizing the strength of the increasingly powerful social media platforms for your business’s recruitment needs. Social media networks such as FacebookLinkedIn, and Twitter, record millions of users everyday, including job-seekers across the globe. The fact that such job seekers are not as active on various job boarding sites as they are on social media makes social recruitment all the more important for small to large-scale organizations.

      The impact of social media has made it necessary for organizations to indulge in creating a robust social recruiting strategy, let’s find out why.

      It’s no longer just an extension to traditional recruitment
      Previously, businesses only relied on the traditional recruitment methods to hire their workforce which was restricted to advertising job postings and waiting for the candidates to respond before interviews could be held. Interviewers had to solely rely upon candidates’ answers for all the details about them. The candidate reach was also limited. But times have changed with social recruiting in the picture.

      Once considered only an extension to traditional recruitment, social recruitment has come out on its own. It not only allows businesses to reach a bigger pool of candidates but it also empowers them to cross-check the essential facts about them. Employers can take insights into candidates’ interests, networks, past employment records, and personality through their social media profiles, blogs, and internet identity. It allows them to connect with global candidates easily. In fact, social recruitment has simplified the whole communication process for recruitment.

      With such beneficial aspects, social recruiting has become an integral part of the recruitment process.

      It contributes to building your brand
      Almost all the social media platforms let you build your professional profiles or company pages, which is a necessity in today’s virtual world. With company’s social media pages, it becomes easier to portray your organization in a positive light by building your own distinct brand. You can analyze, identify and target your potential audience easily by providing them with useful content and a peek into your organization culture. That becomes helpful even if you are not actively recruiting as such activities contribute towards increasing trust, audience engagement, and interests in your organization.

      Apart from building your brand, social recruitment opens doors for passive recruitment as well. Through social platforms, you can easily connect and network with potential candidates who are not actively seeking a job change, which is impossible to achieve with traditional recruitment.

      It saves costs
      Social recruiting benefits your business by saving overhead recruitment costs considerably. Unlike posting job vacancies and advertisements on job-boards, posting your openings on social media platforms, such as your own company page or communities, is free. However, initially, you might have to spend on ad campaigns to reach and gain a bigger audience. But if your organization is already well-established, people will start following you soon and once that happens, recruiting becomes relatively easy.

      Other than cost-savings, this process also saves your time. You can hassle-freely carry out candidate screening and even conduct interviews through video calls when there are geographical boundaries involved.

      With these benefits and dynamic offerings of social recruiting, your organization should also start actively utilizing this phenomenon.